Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection

Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection

Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection: PSY 110 WEEK 2

Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection Directions:

This assignment will allow you to reflect on the information you learned in the section “Discovering Your Learning Styles” in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning.

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Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection

Complete the following worksheet by answering all the questions in the boxes below.

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1. After reading the section, “Discovering Your Learning Styles” in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning and taking the Connect quiz, answer the following in 50 to 175 words: What is your preferred receptive learning style? Do you agree or disagree with the results? What tips does the textbook offer to help you study better or learn new skills at work?
2. After reading Ch. 8 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following in 50 to 175 words: What strategies can you use to make good decisions and problem solve in your personal life, at school, at work, finding a job, buying a car, etc.?
3. Based on information in Carol Dweck’s video, how can understanding growth and fixed mindsets impact your learning? Respond in 50 to 175 words by providing details and examples of what you can do in your daily studies. (If you would like additional information on these terms, feel free to read the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings.)

Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection

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