Systems Overview

Systems Overview

1. Label the parts of this neuron:

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2. Describe the chemistry of the nerve impulse transmission.

3. How does the impulse cross the synapse?

4. What is the effect of each of these on the nervous system:

a. Caffeine – Counters the effects of inhibitory neurotransmitters, ones that normally suppress nerve signals. (Stimulates and keeps you awake)

b. Nicotine –Stimulant

c. Alcohol – Depressant

d. Tranquilizers- Activates the receptors for GABA

e. Antipsychotic drugs – Block dopamine receptors

f. Amphetamines and cocaine –

g. LSD – Hallucinations – by activating serotonin and dopamine receptors

h. Marijuana – Euphoria, depress appetite, pain

i. Heroin – Reduce pain, produce euphoria

5. What are three functions of bone?Shape, Protection, Mineral Storage

6. What is the difference between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton?Axiel supports the axis or trunk of the body and includes the skull, the vertebrae and spinal column, and rib cage Appendicular made up of the bones of the limbs, shoulders and pelvis

7. What is the difference between a ligament and a tendon?Ligaments are strong fibrous tissue and moveable joints that hold the bones of the skeleton together. Tendons connect muscle to bone

8. What is the difference between yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow?Bone marrow is either red or yellow, depending upon the preponderance of hematopoietic (red) or fatty (yellow) tissue. In humans the red bone marrow forms all of the  blood  cells with the exception of the  lymphocytes , which are produced in the marrow and reach their mature form in the lymphoid organs. Red bone marrow also contributes, along with the  liver  and  spleen , to the destruction of old red  blood  cells. Yellow bone marrow serves primarily as a storehouse for fats but may be converted to red marrow under certain conditions, such as severe blood loss or fever. 

9. Describe thee movable joints.Ball and socket joint, hinge joint and pivot joint.

10. What is rheumatoid arthritis?Inflammation of the joints in which the joints become highly inflamed and their tissues may be destroyed by the body’s immune system. Usually begins between ages 40 and 50 and affects more women than men

11. What is osteoporosis?The lowered production of the hormone estrogen resulting in more porous, , thinner and more easily broken bones

12. What is the role of actin and myosin in muscle contraction?Actin and myosin are the major proteins found in muscle. The interaction of these two proteins, within each sarcomere causes the sarcomere to shorten. Actin is a round protein shaped roughly like a ball. In the sarcomere, many of these actin molecules are linked together in a long chain to form a filament, called thin filament. Myosin is a long thin protein with a head on it. Many of these myosin proteins are linked together in a bundle, also forming a filament, with the heads pointing out. Thick and thin filaments of myosin and actin are arranged next to each other within the sarcomere such that they can interact in an organized fashion resulting in muscle contraction.

13. Why do muscles fatigue? Describe the physiology behind this. It is the decline in ability of a  muscle  to generate  force . It can be a result of vigorous  exercise  but abnormal fatigue may be caused by barriers to or interference with the different stages of  musclecontraction . There are two main causes of muscle fatigue. The limitations of a  nerve ’s ability to generate a sustained  signal  (neural fatigue) and the reduced ability of the  musclefiber  to contract (metabolic fatigue).

14. What is the function of each part of the digestive system?The human digestive system consists of a digestive tube, called the alimentary canal – or gut and several accessory organs (salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder) that secrete digestive chemicals into the canal via ducts that secrete digestive chemicals into the canal via ducts.

Mouth – Pharynx – Esophagus – Stomach – Small intestine – large intestine (colon and rectum) – anus.

Mouth – food intake and preliminary steps of digestion (mechanical digestion)

Pharynx – Closes the trachea so that the food can go down the “right tube”

Esophagus – Moves food down by rhythmic waves of muscular contractions so you can swallow

Stomach – Stores food to sustain us for several hours. It can stretch to store about 2L of food and water (more than a half-gallon)

15. Define the following:

a. Mechanical processing – The process of chewing. It breaks food down into small pieces

b. Secretion– 1.The discharge of molecules synthesized by a cell. 2. In the vertebrate kidney, the discharge of wastes from the blood into the filtrate from the nephron tubules

c. Digestion– The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb; the second main stage of food processing, following ingestion.

d. Absorption – The uptake of small nutrient molecules by an organism’s own body; the third main stage of food processing, following digestion.

e. Elimination – The passing of undigested material out of the digestive compartment

16. What molecules leave the small intestine and enter the blood and lymph systems?

17. What is the purpose of villi in the small intestine?The purpose of villi is to absorb adding even more surface area to the epithelium

18. What causes obesity?Sometimes its obesity,

19. What is the difference between malnutrition and under nutrition?Malnutrition means that the body is showing definite signs regarding the adverse effects of inappropriate nourishment. (lack of dietary intake). Under nutrition is the shortage of a specific nutrient or shortage of a nutritional component. Not from starving.

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