Assignment: Alterations in the Cardiovascular Systems NURS 6501

Assignment: Alterations in the Cardiovascular Systems NURS 6501

Assignment: Alterations in the Cardiovascular Systems NURS 6501

The case study depicts n 11-year-old boy presenting with complaints of wheezing and difficulty in breathing. The symptoms are exaggerated by playing basketball and improved by rest. However, the symptoms are worsening and occur at rest. The child is allergic to cat dander. Auscultation reveals wheezes on forced expiration in all lung fields.

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Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiologic Processes

The patient is likely to have a diagnosis of Asthma. Asthma has a complex pathophysiologic process that involves airway inflammation, recurrent airflow obstruction, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (Bonini & Usmani, 2015). Airway hyperresponsiveness in Asthma occurs as a result of an exaggerated response to endogenous and exogenous stimuli. There is direct stimulation of airway smooth muscles and indirect stimulation by pharmacologically active substances from cells that secrete mediators (Bonini & Usmani, 2015). Mediators contribute to inflammation of airways, which leads to obstruction. Obstruction occurs from swelling of the airway membranes, which causes a reduction in the airway diameter (Bonini & Usmani, 2015). The bronchial smooth muscles that enclose the airways contract causing bronchospasm, which results in further narrowing of the airways. There is also an increased production of mucus, which reduces the airway size and can entirely plug the bronchi.

Racial/Ethnic Variables That May Impact Physiological Functioning

People from minority racial and ethnic groups have a high likelihood of experiencing adverse symptoms and life-threatening Asthma exacerbations. Factors that contribute to airway hyperreactivity and asthma triggers include environmental allergens such as animal allergens and house dust mites (Milligan, Matsui & Sharma, 2016). Environmental pollutants such as dust and smoke and occupational exposures further contribute to airway hyperresponsiveness. The majority of individuals from minority racial and ethnic groups live in low-socioeconomic settings, which are characterized by environmental toxins and pollutants (Washington et al., 2018). This puts individuals from minority groups at a high risk of developing Asthma.

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Asthmatic patients from minority racial and ethnic groups also have frequent asthma exacerbations. This is due to living in overcrowded areas full of pollutants such as smoke and dust mites (Milligan, Matsui & Sharma, 2016). Besides, they live close to domestic animals, which trigger exacerbations.


Bonini, M., & Usmani, O. S. (2015). The role of the small airways in the pathophysiology of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease9(6), 281-293.

Milligan, K. L., Matsui, E., & Sharma, H. (2016). Asthma in urban children: epidemiology, environmental risk factors, and the public health domain. Current allergy and asthma reports16(4), 33.

Washington, D. M., Curtis, L. M., Waite, K., Wolf, M. S., & Paasche-Orlow, M. K. (2018). Sociodemographic factors mediate race and ethnicity-associated childhood asthma health disparities: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities5(5), 928-938.

Week 4: Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Cardiovascular and respiratory disorders can quickly become dangerous healthcare matters, and they routinely land among the leading causes of hospital admissions. Disorders in these areas are complicated by the fact that these two systems work so closely as contributors to overall health. APRNs working to form a similarly close partnership with patients must demonstrate not only support and compassion, but expertise to guide the understanding of diagnoses and treatment plans. This includes an understanding of patient medical backgrounds, relevant characteristics, and other variables that can be factors in their diagnoses and treatments.

This week, you examine alterations in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the resultant disease processes. You also consider patient characteristics, including racial and ethnic variables, and the impact they have on altered physiology.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze processes related to cardiovascular and respiratory disorders
Analyze alterations in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the resultant disease processes
Analyze racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning
Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

Chapter 32: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems; Summary Review
Chapter 33: Alterations of Cardiovascular Function (stop at Dysrhythmias); Summary Review
Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System; Summary Review
Chapter 36: Alterations of Pulmonary Function (stop at Disorders of the chest wall and pleura); (obstructive pulmonary diseases) (stop at Pulmonary artery hypertension); Summary Review
Note: The above chapters were first presented in the Week 3 resources. If you read them previously you are encouraged to review them this week.

Inamdar, A. A. & Inamdar, A. C. (2016). Heart failure: Diagnosis, management, and utilization, 5(7). doi:10.3390/jcm5070062

Note: The above article was first presented in the Week 3 resources. If you read it previously you are encouraged to review it this week.

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

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MedCram. (2015, September 14). Pneumonia explained clearly by MedCram [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 13 minutes.
(Previously reviewed in Week 3)

Online Media from Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children

In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 32, 33, 35, and 36 that relate to cardiorespiratory systems and alteration in cardiorespiratory systems. Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 1 for registration instructions. If you have already registered, you may access the resources at

Module 2 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that these two systems work so closely together. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

Photo Credit: yodiyim / Adobe Stock

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
How these processes interact to affect the patient.
By Day 7 of Week 4

Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “M2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
Click the Module 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
Click the Module 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “M2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Module 2 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Module 2 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4

To participate in this Assignment:

Module 2 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 3?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In Module 3, you will analyze processes related to gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders through case study analysis. To do this, you will analyze alterations in the relevant systems and the resultant disease processes. You will also consider patient characteristics, including racial and ethnic variables, which may impact physiological functioning and altered physiology.

Week 5 Knowledge Check: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

In Week 5 Knowledge Check, you will demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered during Module 3. This Knowledge Check will be composed of a series of questions related to specific scenarios provided. It is highly recommended that you review the Learning Resources in their entirety prior to taking the Knowledge Check since the resources cover the topics addressed. Plan your time accordingly.

Next Module

To go to the next Module:

Module 3

An elderly 81-year-old obese lady developed deep venous thrombosis confirmed by a duplex ultrasound 48 hours after a left total hip replacement operation. She presented with severe nausea and vomiting that resulted in dry mucous membranes. She presented with typical features of deep venous thrombosis such as leg swelling, calf tenderness, and redness on the operated leg (Mazzolai et al., 2018). The development of deep venous thrombosis is a common complication following total hip replacement surgery (Yu et al., 2021). The consequences include prolonged hospital stay, adverse patient outcomes, predisposition to pulmonary embolism, and high economic implications.

Various mechanisms lead to the development of deep venous thrombosis. These include factors that lead to venous stasis, endothelial injury, and hypercoagulability described as Virchow’s triad (McLendon et al., 2022). Identified risk factors include immobilization, surgery, and trauma (Othieno et al., 2018). Obesity, advanced age, dehydration, thrombocytosis, and a previous history also predispose to deep venous thrombosis (Waheed et al., 2022). The patient in this scenario was elderly, obese, and had just undergone surgery. Surgery activates inflammatory response with the release of cytokines which activates the coagulation system (Yu et al., 2021). The surgery also contributed to immobility due to the resultant bed rest and immobility under anesthesia during the long operation. There is a history of severe nausea and vomiting. This may have led to dehydration evidenced by dry mucous membranes with resultant hypercoagulability. There is no mention of postoperative prophylactic anticoagulant therapy which would have minimized the development of deep venous thrombosis.


Mazzolai, L., Aboyans, V., Ageno, W., Agnelli, G., Alatri, A., Bauersachs, R., Brekelmans, M. P., Büller, H. R., Elias, A., Farge, D., Konstantinides, S., Palareti, G., Prandoni, P., Righini, M., Torbicki, A., Vlachopoulos, C., & Brodmann, M. (2018). Diagnosis and management of acute deep vein thrombosis: A joint consensus document from the European Society of cardiology working groups of the aorta and peripheral vascular diseases and pulmonary circulation and right ventricular function. European Heart Journal, 39(47), 4208–4218.

McLendon, K., Goyal, A., & Attia, M. (2022). Deep Venous Thrombosis Risk Factors. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Othieno, R., Okpo, E., & Forster, R. (2018). Home versus in-patient treatment for deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018(1).

Waheed, S. M., Kudaravalli, P., & Hotwagner, D. T. (2022). Deep Vein Thrombosis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Yu, X., Wu, Y. & Ning, R. The deep vein thrombosis of the lower limb after total hip arthroplasty: what should we care. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 22, 547 (2021).

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