Assignment: Transitions of Care NURS 658
Assignment: Transitions of Care NURS 658
Assignment: Transitions of Care NURS 658
Assignment: Transitions of Care NURS 658
Week 3 HL7,
Interoperability, and Transitions of Care Paper
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Write a two- to three-page paper discussing how the Health
Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and Continuity of Care
Document (CCD) promote interoperability and transitions of care. In your paper,
discuss the ways this affects technical, semantic, and process interoperability
using examples from your own practice.
Utilize your course readings and a minimum of three outside
scholarly resources in your paper.
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Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal
articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and
informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Compose your paper
in APA format. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a
reference page.
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