Assignment: Women’s Health Case Study nsg 6430 recent
Assignment: Women’s Health Case Study nsg 6430
Assignment: Women’s Health Case Study nsg 6430
7 assignment case study
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Women’s Health Case Study
General Guidelines for Comprehensive Case
Study – the due date assigned
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You will complete the iHuman case, “Nancy
After completing the iHuman case, you will
present the case and supporting evidence in a PowerPoint presentation with the
following components:
Slide 1: Title, Student Name, Course, Date
Slide 2: Summary or synopsis of Ms.
Campbell’s case
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Slide 3: HPI
Slide 4: Medical History
Slide 5: Family History
Slide 6: Social History
Slide 7: ROS
Slide 8: Examination
Slide 9: Labs (In-house)
Slide 10: Primary Diagnosis and 3
Differential Diagnoses – ranked in priority
Primary Diagnosis should be supported by data in the patient’s history
and exam
Slide 11: Management Plan: medication
(dose, route, frequency), non-medication treatment, tests ordered, education,
Slide 12-17: An evaluation of 5
evidence-based articles applicable to Ms. Campbell’s case: evaluate 1 article
per slide
Include title, author, and year of article
Brief summary / purpose of the study
How did the study support Ms. Campbell’s
Assignment: Women’s Health Case Study nsg 6430Course texts will not count as a scholarly
source; if using data from websites you must go back to the literature source
for the information-no secondary sources are allowed, i.e. Medscape, UptoDate,
Slide 18: Reference List
You will submit the PowerPoint presentation
in the Submissions Area by the due date assignbedName your Case Study
Presentation SU_NSG6430_W7_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc
A 37-year-old woman G2P2 presents with a lump in her left breast. Her husband noticed it recently and she is concerned, especially as she had an aunt that had breast cancer and thinks that a great-grandmother or some other ancestor may have died of breast cancer as well. Both of her children (9 and 7) were delivered without complication and she breastfed “for well over a year” with each. She has no other significant PMH or allergies. She is 5’ 6” tall, weighs 144 lb and has a BMI of 22 and works as an office manager. She is a non-smoker, considers herself to be an “almost” vegetarian and has a glass of wine many evenings with dinner.
Assignment: Women’s Health Case Study nsg 6430She has regular physicals and is up-to-date on pap smears which have always been normal. Meds include a daily multi-vitamin and occasional acetaminophen for tension headache or ibuprofen during her period. Upon examination, the lump is discovered. It is firm and near the surface and no other masses are discovered. The lump is aspirated and an opaque liquid is removed. Following this procedure, the lump has vanished.
What is the differential diagnosis?
What would be any further screening or treatment options?
What is her risk of developing breast cancer?