common trends in public health leadership

common trends in public health leadership

For this Project Assignment, think about common trends in public health leadership, or critical areas of need for leadership in the field.
Prepare a literature review of scholarly articles related to your topic in public health leadership. This review should contain a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed or scholarly resources.
Based on what you find in the current public health leadership literature, Create a problem statement, It must address:
Identified gaps while incorporating implications for positive social change.
The Literature Review section should be written in the narrative form integrating concepts from the articles you find. The section should include:

A synthesis of a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly resources that give the reader a good overview of the issue. The section should show the reader common trends in public health leadership, or critical areas of need for leadership in the field
A description of theoretical gaps in the research area – Based on the research you just did in leadership, what seems to be missing (Theoretical gaps)?
Problem Statement should include:
An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature
An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change – As students, “We” are preparing to become agents of social change, based on your leadership topic, the research you just did and the gaps you found how would you be a social agent for change?

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Number of Pages: 5 Pages

Deadline: 2 days

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Academic Level: College

Paper Format: APA

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