NUR 514 Organizational Change Discussion
NUR 514 Organizational Change Discussion
NUR 514 Organizational Change Discussion
DQ1 How have you seen or experienced organizational change within an organization? Did it go well or not? Was there any correlation in how the organizations used stakeholders or change models?
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What is Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Informatics?
The role of the nursing leader encompasses clinical and managerial responsibilities that may vary depending on clinical setting or placement in the organizational hierarchy. In looking at nursing leadership literature through the context of informatics, it is apparent that leaders are pivotal to technology integration in every arena of nursing practice (Honey & Westbrooke, 2016; Hussey, Adams & Shaffer, 2015; Kerfoot, 2015; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014). Healthcare’s continuous state of transformation now requires nurse leaders to develop informatics skills and competencies; it is no longer optional if one wants to lead effectively in the technological age (Collins et al., 2017; Honey & Westbrooke, 2016; Hussey & Kennedy, 2015; Hussey, Adams & Shaffer, 2015; Kerfoot, 2015; Lloyd & Ferguson, 2017; Phillips et al., 2017; Remus, 2016; Simpson, 2013; Staggers et al., 2018; Strudwick, 2016; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014; Troseth, 2014). Nursing leaders who develop informatics competencies can work more effectively in ensuring the “successful selection, development, and competent use of devices and clinical systems” (Kerfoot, 2015, p 342). Additionally, nurse leaders with informatics competencies and knowledge will be needed at higher levels to inform policy and decision making related to ICT implementation (Honey & Westbrooke, 2016; Hussey et al., 2015; Simpson, 2013; Strudwick, 2016; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014).
NUR 514 Organizational Change Discussion
Given their clinical background, nurse leaders are also positioned to provide a holistic perspective when organizations move to develop integrated models of care that leverage technology, such as telehealth, to transform patient care delivery (Hussey et al., 2015; Hussey & Kennedy, 2016; Simpson, 2013; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014). The intertwining of technology and nursing practice creates an interdependency that, when leveraged properly by nursing leaders, can create project synergy and bolster their ability to advocate for ICT solutions that meet patient needs and yield sustainable quality patient outcomes (Honey & Westbrooke, 2016; Hussey & Kennedy, 2015; Hussey et al., 2015; Remus, 2016; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014; Troseth, 2014). To put it simply, leaders who develop and adopt informatics competencies can help bridge the gap between clinical nursing practice and IT (Hussey et al., 2015; Hussey & Kennedy, 2016; Lloyd & Ferguson, 2017; Simpson, 2013; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014).
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Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Informatics Drives Interoperability
While the use of ICTs has become more widespread and new models of care emerge that capitalize on technological advancements, nurses continue to have usability issues related to ICTs in practice (Staggers et al., 2018). Common issues reported include EHR designs that do not support how nurses document or interact with patient information, computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems that do not account for nursing activities, or lack of interfaces with biomedical devices and other patient data collection systems (Hussey & Kennedy, 2016; Staggers et al,. 2018; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014). For nurses this could translate into challenges with electronic documentation in the EHR, delays in care if physicians are required to enter nursing orders, or the need to access multiple systems for information to develop a comprehensive understanding of the patient picture (Hussey & Kennedy, 2016; Staggers et al., 2018; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014). Ultimately, lack of consideration for nursing workflows during planning and design can result in a fragmented system that functions contrary to the TIGER recommendation for professional interoperability- the sharing of expertise and knowledge across disciplines in a meaningful and transparent way (Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014). According to Staggers et al. (2018) this “means nurses become the human interface and integrator among disparate systems” (p 192). As such, nurse leaders need to develop a deeper understanding of nursing informatics and merge it with their clinical knowledge to effectively inform, influence or lead technology related initiatives that impact nursing workflow at the point of care (Hussey et al., 2015; Hussey & Kennedy, 2016; Kerfoot, 2015; Lloyd & Ferguson, 2017; Simpson, 2013; Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform, 2014).
A wide variety of organizational change models can be utilized to structure a business and, in turn, influence its operations and results. Models can be used to direct health promotion and disease prevention initiatives. These frameworks can describe and predict how people’s health-related habits change over time.
Lewin’s Change Theory is a three-step model based on the premise that behavior is a dynamic balance of forces working in opposition. To facilitate change by pushing employees in the desired direction and inhibiting forces hamper change because they make employees in the opposite direction. Lewin’s three-stage change framework can be used as one of the change models. This model is a three-step procedure for analyzing the organizational environment’s change process and devising strategies for challenging the status quo in order to create meaningful transformation. The paradigm suggests that group actions will dictate how an individual responds to the proposed change. Leaders, it follows, need to see members’ actions as a barometer of how their teams feel about the proposed transformation if they want to see any real results (Hussain et al., 2018). The model’s three steps of transformation are unfreezing, change process, and refreezing. When unfreezing a company, it is important to communicate with employees about the upcoming changes and gain their buy-in and support. The second step is to put the plan into action through communication and strong leadership. The third phase, “refreezing,” is when the modified elements of the organization’s culture are fully embedded through persistent application and, if necessary, course corrections.
Stakeholder management is a powerful tool used by successful people to get the support of others. Stakeholder management is an essential skill that can help save your projects from failure. Your projects have staunch advocates in the form of stakeholders, who may also act as roadblocks. Therefore, it is essential to identify your stakeholders and quickly gain their support.
NUR 514 Organizational Change Discussion References
Hussain, S., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M., Hussain, S., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123–127.
MindTools. (2022). [Article]. Lewin’s Change Management Model. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from