Write Introduction For Physiology Of Frog Skeletal Muscle Lab Report

Write Introduction For Physiology Of Frog Skeletal Muscle Lab Report

Write Introduction For Physiology Of Frog Skeletal Muscle Lab Report

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            This exercise is designed to demonstrate some mechanical and physiological         properties of skeletal muscle using the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog.

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II.        Performance Objectives

            At the end of this exercise the student should be able to:

            1.         Define minimal (threshold), subminimal, maximal, and supramaximal stimulus.

            2.         Explain what is meant by a “graded” response.

            3.         Draw a diagram of the setup used in this lab exercise.

            4.         Calculate the work that is done in a given muscle.

            5.         Describe the function of a force displacement transducer.

            6.         Describe what happens to muscle contraction when the load is increased.

            7.         Define twitch, treppe, tetanus and incomplete tetanus.

            8.         Explain the difference between a single and double pith of the frog.                       

III.       Introduction

            The gastrocnemius muscle contains many muscle fibers.  Each fiber has its own threshold and responds all-or-none when stimulated.  It is known that all of the fibers in a muscle do not have the same threshold and that a stimulus applied to a muscle does not necessarily excite all the fiber in it.  The threshold is that intensity (voltage) of stimulus which brings response.  As the intensity (voltage) of the stimulus is increased above the threshold, more and more fibers are stimulated and the response becomes greater and greater.  Eventually, however, a stimulus intensity (voltage) is reached beyond which the response is constant.  This stimulus, called the maximal stimulus marks the point where all of the fibers in the muscle are stimulated and responding all-or-none.  Stimuli above this maximal stimulus are called supramaximal stimuli.  Stimuli below the threshold that do not initiate a mechanical response are called subthreshold stimuli.

                        The frog muscle is used in this laboratory exercise in place of mammalian muscle because of its tolerance to temperature change and handling.  The results are similar to           what would be seen in more carefully controlled mammalian experiments.

III.      Preparation of the Frog


After the frog has been doubly pithed you are ready to remove a muscle for testing.  One of the largest and easiest muscles to obtain is the gastrocnemius of the lower leg.  Before beginning the procedure rinse the frog briefly in the sink.

Place the frog on an clean dissecting pan.  Be sure that neither the pan nor the dissecting instruments have been contaminated with preservatives such as formaldehyde.  The instructor will provide you with pans and tools reserved specifically for the dissection of fresh materials. 

It is not necessary to tie down the frog when using the femur clamp preparation.  As the muscle is dissected assign one of your lab partners the task of frequently flooding the surgical area with frog ringers using a small beaker and dropper.  The muscle must not dry out while dissecting or it will be useless.

With forceps, lift the skin from one thigh and cut the skin completely around the leg using scissors.  Pull the cut end back and peel the skin off the leg.  Be careful not to touch the outer surface of the skin to the muscle tissues or to touch your contaminated hands to the muscle as poisons on the skin may damage some of the muscle cells.  With a blunt probe or the blunt end of the forceps separate the body of the gastrocnemius from the underlying bone.   The distal end of the muscle is attached to the Achilles tendon – a silvery white to yellow strand of fibrous tissue.  Loosen a portion of the Achilles tendon from the bone then insert a piece of thread about 10 inches long around the tendon and tie it securely.  Cut the tendon distal to this knot.  The proximal end of the gastrocnemius is attached to the femur.  Do not remove it from the bone.  Carefully remove all other muscles from the upper leg but leave the gastrocnemius attached.  Then cut the lower leg bone at or slightly distal to the “knee” joint with strong scissors or bone cutters (DO NOT USE A SCALPEL).  Cut the proximal end of the femur leaving at least one half inch of bone attached to the muscle.  You should now have a preparation resembling that in the figure.  With the proximal end of the gastrocnemius attached to the femur and the distal end attached to a portion of thread.  This is the “muscle – bone preparation” you will use for your muscle physiology experiments.  Continue to periodically wet the tissue preparation with saline now and throughout the duration of the experiment.

IV.        iWorx Frog Skeletal Muscle Physiology Setup. If the system is already set up, skip   to step 8.

1.         Make sure computer and iWorx interface (black box) are unplugged)

2.         Attach the cable of the Displacement Transducer to the bottom channel 3 input                              plug

3.         Insert the “stimulator cable” plug into channel 4 of the iWorx box

(which is attached to the stimulator section of the iWorx interface)

4.         Plug the computer power cord into the power outlet.

5.         Plug the iWorx power cord into the outlet

6.         Turn on the iWorx interface

7.         Turn on the computer

8.         After the computer has booted up, click on the iWorx icon

9.         Use cursor to select “settings” à choose “load group” in the drop down menu                               that appears

10.       Use cursor to select “AK204” in the box that appears and choose “load” in the                               same box

11.       Use cursor to select “settings” again à choose “Muscle #2”

Your equipment is now ready for the experiment

V.        Standardize the movement of the transducer

            1.         When the transducer is pulled by the contracting muscle, the amplitude of the                                contraction will be given as “volts” in the window to the upper right of channel 3                          (muscle) (ignore any – signs).

            2.         To convert this reading to actual millimeters of muscle contraction

                        a.         Click start

                        b.          Pull the transducer rod as high as it will go and the release it

                        c.          Click stop

                        d.          Now use a mm ruler to measure the actual distance that the rod moved                                          (this is usually about 30 mm)

                        f.          Click “autoscale” on the channel 3 if needed

                        g.         Click the 2-cursor icon and measure the height of the deflection on                                                             channel 3 by placing the first blue line on the peak of the deflection and                                         the second blue line on the baseline after the deflection has returned to its                                      original position.

                        h.         Read and record the Volts reading above and to the right of channel 3                                             (ignore negative signs).  This “voltage” reading is equivalent to the actual                                      mm of movement measured by the ruler

                        j.          Divide the mm of movement by the “voltage” to get a conversion factor

            3.         Whenever you measure amplitude of a contraction in “voltage” you can                                         now convert it to millimeters of contraction by multiplying this value by                                        your conversion factor determined above.

VI.       Set up the frog muscle preparation as follows:

            1.         Compress the femur in the femur clamp

            2.         Adjust the clamps so that the thread is vertical and the displacement transducer                              rod rests just on the upper stop with no slack in the thread; try to make the thread                          vertical

            3.         Position the stimulator electrodes so that they lie against the muscle about                                      midway between the knee and the tendon; the two electrodes should not touch one                        another, but both must be in contact with the muscle

      4.         Place two nickels (10g) in the weight pan

      5.         Occasionally add frog ringers to keep the muscle preparation moist.

write introduction for physiology of frog skeletal muscle lab report
VII.     Exercises in Frog Muscle Physiology

A.        Determining the threshold stimulus


1.         Set up the stimulator (select <preferences> in Edit menu) as follows:

                        Pulse Width                =          10 ms

                        Delay                           =          50 ms

                        Amplitude                   =          0 Volts

                        Frequency                   =          0.5 Hz

                        # of Pulses                   =          1

2.         Type “0 v” in the ‘marks box’, click ‘Start’ to begin recording and press ‘enter’.  The                    stimulus and a record of the muscles response (if any) will be displayed in channel #4                   (shock) and channel #3 (muscle, respectively.

3.         Quickly click ‘stop’.

4.         Click the <2 cursor> icon so that two blue vertical lines appear over the recording             window.

5.         Adjust the display time if needed and move the mouse to place the cursor on the left line, click the mouse and drag it to the peak of the first response wave (if there is one). Drag       the second cursor, to the baseline after the response.

6.         The value in the channel three title area, above and to the right of the channel three           window is the value for the amplitude of contraction in volts at the stimulus voltage    used. Record this value in the table on your data sheet.

7.         Convert this amplitude ‘voltage’ to millimeters of contraction by multiplying it by the      conversion factor determined in part V and record this in the table in your data sheet as           well.

8.         Open the stimulator dialog box and change the stimulus amplitude to 0.25v.

9.         Repeat steps 2 through 7, this time typing .25 v in the ‘marks’ box before starting.

10.       Repeat the above procedure increasing the voltage in 0.25 volt increments until you are

      stimulating the muscle with 5 volts.

11.       Once you have completed your table you should be able to complete the observations       below:

12.       The threshold stimulus is the minimum stimulus needed to get any kind of a response       from the frog muscle.


13.       Record the threshold stimulus on your data sheet

B.        Observing Graded Muscle Response to Increased Stimulus Intensity

1.         Using the data from the previous section,  make a graph placing stimulus voltage on the                x-axis and the amplitude of contraction in        millimeters on the y-axis.  Paste the graph     below.

2.         Note the range of stimulus voltages in which you produced a graded response by the         muscle.  What is occurring in the muscle organ at this point?





3.         The amount of contraction should peak and remain relatively constant at some stimulus    voltage; this is your maximal contraction and maximal stimulus voltage

When the curve levels off you have reached maximal stimulus voltage.  Estimate the maximal stimulus voltage from your graph and record it on your data sheet.  Why can’t the muscle contract any more since you are still increasing the stimulus after this point?





C.        Timing the Muscle Twitch

1.         Set the stimulus voltage at the value you determined was the maximal stimulus (usually    3-4 volts)

2.         Scroll to one of the contractions at or near maximal contraction.

3.         Type “twitch” in the marks area; click ‘start’ and quickly press ‘enter’ to mark the record and produce a single twitch

4.         Click stop.

5.         If necessary, right click after recording to invert trace.

6.         If necessary adjust the display time as needed by clicking the <half display time> icon      one or more times to facilitate your analysis

7.         Scroll to the beginning of the section of data you want to investigate; click AutoScale if    necessary.

8.         Click the 2 cursor icon so that two blue vertical lines appear over the recording window    and measure:

            a.         The amplitude of the twitch and convert it to mm as before.

b.         The duration of the latent period:  Place one cursor line at the stimulus                                     mark (in window 4) and the other on window 3 just before a contraction begins                             and read T2-T1 in upper left  corner of screen. This is the duration of                                              the latent period in seconds.

            c.         Use the double cursors to measure the duration of the period of contraction in the                          same way

            d.         Use the double cursors to also measure the duration of the period of relaxation.                              Convert these values to milliseconds and record them on your data sheet.

10.       Print a copy of this tracing for your group.


D.        Observing Graded Muscle Response to Increased Stimulus Frequency

1.         Open the stimulator dialog box and change the number of pulses to 250, make sure the     stimulus is still set to the maximal stimulus voltage as determined earlier

2.         Type 0.5 Hz in the marks box; click ‘Start’ and press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard to mark       your record.

3.         Click ‘stop’

4.         Increase the frequency to 1, 5, 10 and then 20 Hz and repeat steps 2 and 3.  Notice that     the first few contractions increase in intensity even though the stimulus is the same.       Notice also that at a certain frequency the muscle does not have sufficient time to fully relax so that the response does not return to baseline, this is summation.

5.         Record the frequency at which summation first appears on your data sheet

6.         Print a group copy of the tracing on your screen at this frequency

7.         As you continue to increase the frequency of stimulation, notice that at some frequency    there is no relaxation at all between each stimulus, this is tetanus.

E.        Determining the Effect of Load on Skeletal Muscle

Within limits, increases in the load (i.e., passive tension) placed on a muscle before it contracts results in corresponding increases in the strength of the contractions (i.e., active tension).    There is however, a maximum tension that a muscle can exert, and beyond that limit, increases in load (passive tension) result in weaker and weaker contractions (active tension).

1.         Set the stimulus voltage to produce maximal stimulus as determined previously (usually   between 3 to 5 volts)

2.         Reset stimulator settings to those used in part C on the previous page

3.    &nbs

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